Every morning, I grab my coffee, and browse around blogland, infusing my mind with Christmas gorgeousness. Beautiful homes, decorated with wondrous, magical Christmas trees...mantels bursting with old-world santas; chubby, smiling snowmen...luscious stairway banisters wound with seas of evergreens and twinkling stars...
and then I look around at what I haven't done, the tree that is not there yet, piles of newly-made ornaments not-quite-finished. My list of things-I-want-to-make...and bake...multiplying by the hour.
I've already had my annual pre-Christmas meltdown. And I realize, I need to stop.
Why do I do this every year to myself?
I've crossed the line from inspiration to envy to "why can't I ever get it together like everyone else?".
I've done enough. I've made several new cross-stitch ornaments for our tree.
I don't need to keep making more.
I don't need to impress anyone...my family's joy is enough.
I have to imprint the word "enough" into my mind, and allow myself to enjoy the holiday season, not stress about everything being "perfect".
I think I'll put up the tree this weekend, sip some eggnog... watch some Christmas movies...and get back to feeling the spirit of the holidays in my heart.
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
3 days ago