Okay, I guess I'll jump right in: my first blog in the crafting category.
I've had a blog for years on Myspace, where I posted my writing--poetry, mostly, with an occasional ramble or two. It always suprised me that anyone read my mutterings, but I was
thrilled that they did! Alas, my writing steam sputtered...and left me.
After several months of reading craft blogs, and artists' sites...my mind in a creative carousel...I decided I might as well begin a craft blog. I follow many crafters through Blogger, and if anyone checks out my profile, all they see is a blog about plagiarism. ????
While books and words will always be my first love, crafts and art tie for a close second.
It won't be a blog about a specific craft, as I have developed crafter's A.D.D. when it comes to interests, but I will eventually settle down (or not). Who knows, maybe I'll have to have more than one blog? I'll see how this goes, first.
I have loads...and loads...of craft stuff, magazines, books...that I will never in 20 lifetimes use...so I may eventually have some giveaways.
That's it for now.
Oh, and welcome to my scattered little world.
Workshops update
1 week ago